Monday Musings

October 24, 2011

Another weekend has come and gone, and we've slashed a few more things off of our never ending to-do list.

We're trying our best to get a lot of exterior work done before it gets too cold to do so. The weather hasn't been cooperating lately, gifting us with bucket loads of rain. However, this past weekend provided some relief and we had gorgeous weather! This brief period of awesomeness gave us the opportunity to...
  • finish shingling the mini barn's (a.k.a. the shed) roof
  • apply one coat of paint on the mini barn
  • get the satellite hooked up
  • install an exterior light at the back of the house
To be quite honest, Mike did all of this himself except the painting, which I did. I mostly did traditionally gender appropriate things like grocery shopping and cleaning, and tending to the furry beings that live in our house.

I'll be back tomorrow with pictures, because I totally dropped the ball yesterday and didn't take any.

I do have a picture of these neat little things that I've recently acquired, which I'm assuming to be jelly molds.

vintage jelly molds, plastic and plastic

The dozen metal ones came from the same auction as my $5 chairs. They were bought with a bunch of other junky houseware things, for $5.

The pastel coloured ones were given to me by Mike's mom. They are colourful and happy and make me think of Easter.

How was your weekend? Did you get anything done on your to-do list?

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