The crappy weather has me thinking about warmer weather, which leads me to think of one of the (many) things I'm excited about for the new house - porches! Our current house has zero porches, and sitting in the middle of the lawn just doesn't have the same feel as sitting on a porch. Unless you are picnicing.
The new house has a whopping three porches. One out front, one out the back/side, and one above the front porch that is accessed from the hall of the second floor. Is it called a verandah? Sounds fancy pants.
While I can't do anything more than dream about sitting out at this point, I'm going to share some of my favourite inspiration images from my "Curb Appeal" board on Pinterest. I feel that it's important to note that Alan Jackson's Where I Come From is rolling through my head while I write this. Do with that information what you will.

Wendy Posard and Associates


Country Living
Big picture inspiration aside, here's a few ideas for seating that I'm jonesing over.

Outdoor Rocking Chair - Lowes

Resin Wicker Porch Swing - Costco

DIY Porch Swing - This Old House
Got any favourites? Or have a porch that you'd like to show off? Let me know!
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